John Johnson Sothoron

Bequeathed a feather bed by uncle Benjamin Sothoron in his 1745/6 will (see his Notes).

Bequeathed feather bed & furniture, Negro, livestock & personalty by father in his 1767 will. Identified as a next of kin in inventory of father’s estate (see his Notes).

List of St. Mary's Co., MD voters for the 1790 Congressional Elections. "Page No." refers to original document, held by the Maryland State Archives. (* - Catholic Families of Southern MD, pp. 98, 99, 112, 137)

Page No. Name
49 Sothoron, Charles
71 Sothoron, Henry G.
81 Sothoron, John I. (sic)
  Sothoron, Levin
  Sothoron, Richard
  Sothoron, Samuel
90 Sothoron, Francis
  Sothoron, Henry
  Sothoron, John
99 Sothoron, Richd. of Samuel
  Sothoron, Sam.

** Census Schedules - Maryland

1790 Federal Census (1790.08.02) St. Mary’s Co., pg 109. John Johnson Sothoron.

Free white males 16 & older....1
under 16....1

1798 list of slave owners included John Johnson Sothoron, Upper Resurrection Hundred, St. Mary’s Co., with 14 slaves. (Carothers*)

1800 Federal Census (1800.08.04) St. Mary’s Co., pg 12, Ln 9. John J. Southern.

Free white males under 10....1
females under 10....1
10 - 15....1
16 - 25....1

** Land records - Maryland

Certification of John Johnson Sothoron for Bruces Neglect. Patented 23 July 1770, Patents BC&GS#46,. (Patents BC&GS#41:154, St. Mary’s Co., 1769.12.30)

Patent of John Johnson Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co. for Bruces Neglect, 10 acres. He requested warrant for about 16 acres of unclaimed land adjoining Trumans Lot, cultivated by him. Warrant granted 18 Sept 1769, surveyed 30 Dec 1769 as 10 acres. Begins north side of Cool Spring branch at Trumans Lot. Certified 30 Dec 1769, Patents BC&GS#41:154. (Patents BC&GS#46:516, St. Mary’s Co., 1770.07.23)

Recorded at request of buyers. John Swann & Elizabeth his wife, Joseph Swann & Agnes his wife, Seth Barton & Sarah Emerson his wife, May Maxwell & Mary Maxwell, all of Baltimore Town, five of the daughters and co-heirs of George Maxwell of Charles Co. deceased sell to Richard Sothoron, Benjamin Sothoron, John Johnson Sothoron & Ann his wife of St. Mary’s Co.; and to Jonathan Anderson & Mary his wife, Levin Sothoron & Rebecca his wife, James Briscoe & Elizabeth his wife of Charles Co.. John Sothoron late of Charles Co. had on 20 January 1789 agreed to purchase from John Swann & Elizabeth his wife, Helen Maxwell (now Helen Tabbs, wife to Barton Tabbs St. Mary’s Co.), Agnes Maxwell (now Agnes Swann wife to Joseph Swann), Sarah Emerson Maxwell (now Barton), John Campbell & Marion his wife, May Maxwell the tract called Maxwell's seat, 487 ½ acres at £2.16 per acre. Sothoron died intestate and left Richard Sothoron, Benjamin Sothoron, Ann Sothoron wife of John Johnson Sothoron, Mary Anderson wife of Jonathan Anderson, Rebecca Sothoron wife of Levin Sothoron and Elizabeth Briscoe wife of James Briscoe his legal heirs and representatives. £975 paid for 5/7 undivided parts of said tract. Witness: J. Campbell, Jas. Bryden. (K#4:282, Charles Co., 1791.01.27, Recorded 1791.06.25)

Deed recorded at request of buyer. Barton Tabbs & Helen his wife of St. Mary’s Co. (Helen is daughter & heir to George Maxwell late of St. Mary’s Co.) sell to Richard Sothoron, Benjamin Sothoron, John Johnson Sothoron & Ann his wife of St. Mary’s Co.; and to Jonathan Anderson & Mary his wife, Levin Sothoron & Rebecca his wife, James Briscoe & Elizabeth his wife of Charles Co.; for £195 sell 1/7 undivided part of Maxwell's Seat. Witness: Vernon Hebb, John Abell. (K#4:292, Charles Co., 1791.04.07, Recorded 1791.08.15)

Deed recordation requested by buyer. John Campbell & Marion his wife of Charles Co. sell to Richard Sothoron, Benjamin Sothoron, John Johnson Sothoron & Ann his wife of St. Mary’s Co.; and to Jonathan Anderson & Mary his wife, Levin Sothoron & Rebecca his wife, James Briscoe & Elizabeth his wife of Charles Co.. For £195 they sell their 1/7 undivided part of Maxwell's Seat. Witness: B. Fendall, Benjamin Contee. (K#4:297, Charles Co., 1791.08.20, Recorded 1791.08.30)

Indenture recorded at request of buyer. Richard Sothoron, Benjamin Sothoron, John Johnson Sothoron & Ann his wife of St. Mary’s Co. sell to John Campbell of Charles Co., for £500, three sixths undivided parts of Maxwell's Seat. Witness: William Kilgour, Thomas Bond. (K#4:302, Charles Co., 1791.08.20, Recorded 1791.09.08)

John Johnson Sothoron deeds to Elizabeth & Rebecca Sothoron for £500, Segby. (Abstracts TH#25{StM#1}:226, St. Mary’s Co., 1800.07.24, Recorded 1800.08.05)

Recorded at request of buyer. John Johnson Sothoron & Ann his wife of Charles Co. planter sell to Henry Anderson of Charles Co. for £115.5 parts of Loving Brothers and Sothorons discovery, 115 acres in all. Beginning at G at end of 2nd line of Lot No. 4, running N 4° W 61 perches, N 79° W 22 perches to intersect first line of Loving Brothers, then N 15 3/4° W 7 perches to end of said first line, then with said land N 54 3/4° E 70 perches, N 48 3/4° W 245 perches to intersect portion of Loving Brothers formerly deeded to Parham, then with lines of said deed S 35 1/2° E 58 perches, S 13° E 40 perches, S 17° W 50 perches, S 56° W 88 perches, S 17° W 18 perches, N 78° W 10 perches, S 28° W 5 perches to end of line dividing Lots No. 5 & 6, then with straight line to beginning, containing about 115 acres & 1 rood.  Witness: Alexander McPherson, Ig. Middleton. (Charles Co., MD Land Records IB#5:11.  Drawn 7 Aug 1801, Recorded 11 Aug 1801)

See Notes of brother Levin for reference in his will to land he bought from JJS, then sold to Jesse Edwards.

** Land Office Debt Books - John Johnson Sothoron, Liber 41, St. Mary’s Co., MD

Year     Folio Name Acres
1771 36 Bruce's Neglect 10
        (Surveyed 30 Jun 1767, Patented 23 July1770)
1773 46 Bruce's Neglect 10
1774 49 Bruce's Neglect 10

** Tax Assessment Records - John J. Sothoron, Upper Resurrection Hundred, St. Mary’s Co., Maryland (Fenwick*)

1793-6 Assessment. Slaves: 14. Lands: Seagsby, 200 acres. Personal: 53.5.0. Total: 367.5.0.

1801 Assessment. Slaves: 14. Lands: Seagsby, 200 acres. Personal: 53.5.0. Total: 367.5.0.

** Church activities - Trinity Parish, Charles Co., MD (unless otherwise indicated)

John Johnson Sothoron identified as one of 4 other sufficient planters during nominations for Inspectors of Tobacco. John Sothoron still a vestryman, not present for this meeting, nor the ones on 7 August1770 and 4 December1770. (Vestry Minutes, Newport {MSA M258}:80, 1770.09.07)

John Johnson Sothoron one of four other sufficient planters identified during nominations for Inspector of Tobacco. John Sothoron present at this meeting of the Vestry, having been absent from the meeting on 6 Nov 1773. (Vestry Minutes, Newport {MSA M258}:84, 1773.12.21)

John Johnson Sothoron qualified as Inspector of Tobacco at the Benedict Warehouse. (Vestry Minutes, Newport {MSA M258}:84,1774.03.01)

John Johnson Sothoron one of four other sufficient planters identified during nominations for Inspector of Tobacco. John Sothoron present at Vestry meeting, but absent from meeting on 24 Sept 1774. (Vestry Minutes, Newport {MSA M258}:85, 1774.09.06)

John Johnson Sothoron & Levin Sothoron named as two of four other sufficient planters during nominations for Inspector of Tobacco. John Sothoron present at this meeting and the ones held 25 Oct & 15 Nov 1774; and on 17 April & 21 Sept 1775. (Vestry Minutes, Newport {MSA M258}:87, 1775.09.08)

John Johnson Sothoron appointed a church warden. (MD Hist Mag 31:32, All Faith Parish, St. Mary’s Co., 1783.08.26)

Henry Tubman & John Johnson Sothoron replaced in vestry by J. Hooper Brome & Jonathan Edwards. Levin Sothoron chosen as a church warden. (MD Hist Mag 31:32, All Faith Parish, St. Mary’s Co., 1784.04.12)

James Keech & Jonathan Edwards replaced Richard Burroughs & Johnson Sothoron in the vestry. (MD Hist Mag 31:34, All Faith Parish, St. Mary’s Co., 1786.04.17)

** Military activity - Maryland

Took the Oath of Allegiance in 1776 (see Notes of Henry Greenfield Sothoron for text of Oath).

Was Adjutant of the 6th Battalion of Militia, St. Mary’s Co., MD, serving on active duty from July 17 through July 21, 1776, in camp at St. George’s. See Notes of Henry Greenfield Sothoron for references & full list of participants.

John Johnson Sothoron commissioned an Ensign in the Upper Battalion of the county militia by the Council of the State of Maryland. (Arch MD 6:346 {Journal & Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, Jan 1-Mar 20, 1777, St. Mary’s Co., 1777.08.26)

John J. Sothoron enlisted as Ens. In Upper Battn., St. Mary’s Co. Militia, Capt. Tom Kilgour’s Co. (Chron St. Mary’s 24:1:7, 1777.08.26)

An enrollment of the Militia in St. Mary’s Co. In 1794 included John Johnson Sothoron. (Chron St. Mary’s 2:#10)

** Insolvency - Maryland

An Act was passed for the relief of sundry Insolvent Debtors. Among those who had petitioned for relief were John J. Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co., and Thomas L. & Zachariah Sothoron of Charles Co. In addition to various documentation, each petitioner was to give up all possessions except clothing & bedding of himself & his family. (Arch MD 192:279 {JG#4:308}, 1803.01.08)

Petition of John Johnson Sothoron for relief as insolvent debtor, dated 23 May 1803. Debt totals £510.6.6, includes Merveral Moran.

- Bonding of Henry Anderson of St. Mary’s Co. for £500 as trustee for the benefit of creditors for insolvent debtor John Johnson Sothoron, dated 2 September 1803.

- Deed of trust from John Johnson Sothoron to Henry Anderson, dated 22 September 1803.

- Clippings of notices in Maryland Gazette, regarding insolvency of John Johnson, Thomas L. & Zachariah Sothoron. Dates of publication not noted.

- Petition of Alexander Henderson, Robert Ferguson & John Gibson, noting judgment they received in Circuit Court in St. Mary’s Co. in March 1802 against John Johnson Sothoron for £148.2.2½. Note also that he applied for benefit under act of insolvency 2 May 1803 and on 26 September 1803 he obtained his discharge in this Court. They claim he passed land to his children within 2 years of the Act, and that he paid for land but required conveyance to his children and not himself.

- Court rendering 18 Feb 1805, requiring the above issue to be tried in St. Mary's or Provincial Court, at the discretion of the plaintiffs.

- Record of County Court, 1st Judicial District, Leonard Town, 5 August 1805. Henderson et al vs John Johnson Sothoron. Found in favor of defendant, with costs charged to claimants. (Chancery Papers 4465E, Charles Co.)

John J. Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co. gives deed of trust to Henry Anderson for £7.10, in accordance with relief granted under Act of insolvency, passing all property, assets & liabilities to trustee him as trustee. (Land Rec Abstracts TH#25{StM#1}:375, 1803.09.22, Recorded 1803.09.22)

Robert Ferguson, Alex. Henderson, John Gibson, John Davis vs. John J., Elizabeth & Rebecca Sothoron, Henry Anderson

- Bill of claimants as assignees of Gashavik & Thomas L. Sothoron, having considerable claim against John J. Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co., received judgments against latter in March of 1802. Davis & Copes show considerable claim against John J. Sothoron by assignment from Billinglsy & Greenfield with judgment. Sothoron claimed to be solvent at time of claims. However, on 24 July 1800 he conveyed his entire estate to his two daughters, Elizabeth & Rebecca, then infants, presumably to avoid payment to creditors.

- Copy of bill of sale of all personal property of John J. Sothoron to daughters Elizabeth & Rebecca, dated 24 July 1800, recorded 5 August 1800.

- Copy of deed of 26 July 1800, transferring land to daughters.

- John J. Sothoron's response dated 3 December 1806, noting he claimed insolvency before the land transfer, and the daughters were 21 & 24 years of age at the time, and paid him £500 for the property. Under judgment of Davis & Cope, the land included in the deed had been taken on a Fieri facias & exposed to sale & purchased by Clement Dorsey Esq. for about £100. (Chancery Papers 1762, St. Mary’s Co., Filed 1805.09.25)

** Miscellaneous

Was appraiser and surety in the estate of Mary Sothoron, wife of Jonathan Anderson (see her Notes for details).

Was surety to brother Levin Sothoron for latter’s service as Tobacco Inspector (see Levin’s Notes).


Samuel Sothoron & Johnson Sothoron listed together on the 1765 Tax List for Upper Resurrection Hundred.  (MD Genealogical Society web page - from MSA Microfilm SR4543)

Was a creditor of the estate of brother Levin, certifying on 3 September 1803 that the debt had been satisfied (see Levin’s Notes).

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W. Haddox Sothoron, M.D.